Is crying the only way to release emotions?

I feel it bubbling to the surface again. It has happened so many times before that I cannot mistake what is happening. The events in life, coupled with the peeling of self-healing layers converge upon my emotional and physical body in a tidal wave that is both necessary and unstoppable.

The tears come, accompanied by the sobs from the depths of my soul. I allow this. I recognize what is happening and it’s importance. I am cleansing out and releasing the emotions that are ready to come up and out, no longer necessary or needed in this moment in time.

Once all is calm again, I allow myself to sit in the aftermath of the release. Tear stained cheeks, wet eye lashes and a cleansed spirit.

It wasn’t always like this. In the past, I didn’t understand the emotions or the importance of understanding that release is healthy and necessary. But even more-so, recognizing the way in which I released these emotions and energy.

We all have layers that we peel back in the journey of our own healing. Circumstances of the past and present, life occurrences, loss and grief, the emotions of day-to-day life and just purely living take an emotional toll on us, but they also allow us opportunities to work through lessons and to release thoughts, emotions and experiences that just no longer serve us. In both conscious and unconscious ways, our energetic body will gather up these emotions for release. Sometimes in a controlled fashion, and sometimes in a more uncontrolled or triggered release. The important part is understanding that this release will work through and FOR us in the manner in which is best for us, whether we realize it or not.

I was having a conversation with a friend recently about ways in which people release. She told me that she doesn’t cry. Rarely. She also shared that she feels guilty and judged sometimes for it. I pondered that for a moment. Do we, as a society, only view appropriate emotional release as crying? I hadn’t really thought of it that way before, but I do see where that could be assumed. I, for one, disagree with this expectation.

If you consider only that we are all unique humans, it would be unrealistic to expect that everyone would react the same to life’s situations. If you dive deeper than just that, you can also consider that there are different astrological signs that you care born in, each having their own unique traits in their own right. Add to it that there are earth, air, water and fire signs with their own characteristics, you start to see the never-ending possibility in the combination of personalities! And that is only considering those 2 specific aspects! To expect all people to be identical in how we process emotions seems pretty silly.

Where am I going with this? I believe that it is up to us to determine the ways in which we experience the buildup of emotions and energy and to recognize the best ways for us to release this. It isn’t the WAY that we do it that it is important, but the actual action in doing it that is. If you feel life’s experiences and emotions building up, how do you feel pulled to release this? Do you cry? Laugh? Scream? Yell? Dance?

If we all understand the importance in doing the work to recognize how it feels in our body when the release is building, and then also recognize the ways that the release feels the most complete to us, we will have unlocked knowledge about ourselves and how to decipher the feelings as they arise. The only perfect way is the way that is perfect for YOU.

It took me time, patience, understanding and grace to make it to where I am now, but it really was worth it. When I am on the other side of the tears, I can mentally, physically and emotionally feel the absence of the weight of what once was and the relief that comes afterwards.

Are you at a point where you recognize what works best for you or are you still in the detective stage? Allow yourself grace wherever you are in your journey and if you are ready, commit to learning more about yourself. I have a feeling you’ll be glad you did.


If at any point you feel like you are being led to go deeper in your energetic alignment or release, please know that I am here for you can have options for whatever level you feel you are at. As always, I welcome your questions if you are unsure or trying to decide.

Cheers to your healing. xoxo


A life changing perspective


It’s not wrong. It’s just no longer right for you.