6 ways to see more signs from the Universe

The Universe loves to speak to us in many different ways.  Angels, guides, Spirit……they all love to let us know that we are not alone in this journey called life.

I have found, over the years, that signs and synchronicities have come into my life as a way of reassuring me that everything is going to be ok and that I am guided and loved.

When I was a small child, I remember my mom teaching me about what she called “Pennies from Heaven.”  She had taught me that when I said a prayer or asked for guidance, finding a penny was a way for God to let me know my prayers were heard.  It became my sign of reassurance that my thoughts and prayers were definitely heard and that I was never alone.  Throughout my childhood and into my early adult years, pennies would frequently appear out of nowhere.  On the passenger seat of my car when no one had been sitting there before.  Laying next to my vehicle as I was getting gas.  In a coat pocket that was empty before.  Flying out of my dryer at me when I opened the door.  Lying on the floor in the middle of a room with no idea how it could have been right there. The list goes on and on and on.  Each time I would find one, I would take a minute to thank the angels for being with me and reminding me of their love.  Clearly they knew that if they left a penny, I would get the message.

My belief in the Universe and the support I received has only grown stronger over the years.  The pennies are no longer alone.  They were long ago joined by dimes and quarters, feathers, angel numbers and countless other special signs and symbols.  The ways in which I can now receive is limitless.  However, one thing has remained my constant.  Each time I receive a sign, I am reminded to connect with the higher realms, let them know that I see their sign or symbol and to express my deepest gratitude.

I am certainly not alone in my ability to receive.  Everyone has the capacity for this kind of connection.  If you haven’t already started, or maybe are looking for ways to strengthen your practice, here are some simple ways to allow you to increase your own abilities.

  1.  Increase your awareness.  This doesn’t mean LOOK for the sign.  Allow the sign to be shown to you.  Try to be more in the present moment each day.  Be aware of your surroundings and more in the now vs. thinking about tomorrow, next week or next year.  Signs tend to present themselves.  If you think you were given a sign out of the blue – trust it!

  2. Listen to your intuition.  Your intuition is your inner guidance.  It’s subtle too.  It is that thing that tells you to stop somewhere random, pay attention to something that catches your eye, to take a different route to work or to look up at a particular moment.  Trust that it is guiding you to notice something.

  3. Strengthen your intuition.  You can start small.  Allow it to guide you on what to wear each morning.  Choose the shirt that catches your eye or the dress that makes you feel like you are on top of the world.  Listen to the inner nudges that your mind tries to override.  Let intuition be your guide.

  4. Trust the message.  There is a meme circulating that says “Every time the universe sends me a sign, I’m like ok- but I think I’ll wait for a signer sign.”  Remember, the Big U is always looking out for us and working to bring us what is in our best interest.  This does not always show up in the form we were expecting.  Be open.  Trust your message.

  5. Be open to possibility.  As I just stated, we don’t always receive the way we were expecting.  The more open we can remain, the more we allow the different amazing options and opportunities to appear in our life. Often times in doing so, we are able to receive something even greater than we were expecting in the first place!

  6. Use technology to help you.  Keep seeing owls everywhere?  A certain repeating number? Blue feathers?  This is the perfect time to do a little research.  Enter in a quick search on the internet.   The FIRST message to pop out at you is the one meant for you.  It is amazing!

This is just a small list of ways you can learn more and be more in tune with the signs and synchronicities meant for you.  Have something to add to the list?  Wonderful!  There are limitless ways available for us to connect and be guided.

What I do know for certain is that the more you are aware of them and realize they are for you, the more you realize their presence!  


Be gentle with yourself. A beautiful reminder to allow yourself some space